Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alpha Stim Treatments Can Help Regain A Person's Neurotransmitter Balance To Fight Depression

In this country, depression is serious and is becoming more severe everyday but microcurrent therapy can help in dealing with serious level, especially seeing how depression causes chemical imbalance in the brain and includes dozens of substance oftentimes.  However, many of the substances that get into the brain are brought by outside sources and influence a person's mood in many cases.  A person will suffer from disorder once this happens, leading them to engage in behaviors that may be unhealthy for them.   Also, it brings serious episodes of depression and other symptoms like neck pain and joint pain.  People can know more about microcurrent therapy and Alpha stim therapy on my website, Alpha-Stim.com to break away from outside sources including prescription medications.

The living brain is a buzz of activity, where electrical signals pass back and forth amongst 100 billion specialized nerve cells.  Microcurrent electrical therapy is able to stimulate these neurons and stimulate the immune system to bring about a deep sense of calm and happiness.  A quick fix to depression problems, anxiety problems, or even tight muscles is not a part of the goal here.  The main goal is to help a person's body become stimulated enough in order to heal and repair itself.

The powerful reason behind the effectiveness of microcurrent electrical therapy are the neurotransmitters that influence the moods correctly delivered and better between different neurons.   Sometimes the levels of neurotransmitters in a person may be low, making it difficult for neurons to release sufficient amounts of them.  Usually neurotransmitter deficiency is a very common problem and a major cause of depression.  A person can take steps to correct this type of brain imbalance by taking advantage of the services offered on my website,  Alpha-Stim.com such as microcurrent technology.

I think that microcurrent therapy is far more effective compared to taking prescription medications given by medical doctors.  These medications usually make a person feel worse.  And what is even worse is they do not do the job they are supposed to do.  To optimize the neurotransmitters of  a person's brain, there is a simple solution and that is to regain balance of the brain's biochemistry.  A person would be able to overcome conditions like depression and conditions that make it very difficult for them to sleep once this is done.

All in all it is very difficult for me to explain just how effective microcurrent therapy can be for people who suffer from a neurotransmitter deficiency.  People can overcome conditions like insomnia, arthritis, mood disorder, and feelings of stress through correcting this single problem.  Depending on prescription medications does not help anyone who is serious about needing long-term help.  These people should definitely consider microcurrent therapy as one of the serious long-term treatments.

I am Dan Kirsch and I have a website, www.Alpha-Stim.com that offers a great deal about how the neurotransmitter biochemistry can be stabilized so that people will learn how to get over <a href='http://www.alpha-stim.com/'>sleeplessness</a>, mood disorders as well as depression.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alpha-Stim received the 2010 American Institute of Stress Award for Distinction And Innovation. Details available on www.Alpha-Stim.com

Mood Disorders Can Become Even Worse When People Rely On Prescribed Medications Only

When it comes to conditions such as depression, mood disorder, and anxiety a lot of people are looking for a quick easy fix.  I have found that if people were to rely solely on pharmaceutical companies and television along with magazine ads, they give the impression that getting anxiety and depression is normal.  I feel most of them think that these types of conditions are desired, which is even worse.  I say this because no matter what the case is, there seems to be some sort of a pill designed just for that given problem if a person is feeling depressed, there's a pill for them.  And that there is also a particular pill for a person who has lost interest in their family and friends.  However, a treatment like microcurrent therapy is far more effective than any of these so-called pills can ever hope to be.  And I made it easy for people to have access to it in a very safe and confident manner on my website, www.Alpha-Stim.com.

In this country, it seems that conditions such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorder have gone in the same direction with weight problems.  In addition, it seems that media and doctors did nothing but throw more pills on the problem and nothing else.  People are reading books and taking pill to get rid of their stress and anxiety everyday.  But I discovered that doing this only worsen the conditions.  Because many doctors are now prescribing antidepressants, all of these medications only make people have mood disorders and make them experience highs and lows.

Unfortunately, these types of conditions are getting even worse in younger people.  These younger people experience mood disorder, suffer from severe headaches, back pain, and anxiety.  There have been studies done which show that prescriptions for children and adolescents with mood and/or behavior disorders has doubled and in some cases tripled from 1987 to 1996.  With these different prescriptions, I feel that all of these are doing nothing more than make the problems even worse.  Microcurrent electrical therapy is far more effective, and all my website Alpha-Stim.com people can begin to look into this as a serious treatment option.

I have learned that there are some people across this country who has been taking antidepressants for years to deal with mood disorder and other problems.   And I found most of these people still continue to suffer from severe bouts of depression, which is even worse.  It seems that there is no end in sight for these people but doctors keep on prescribing more prescriptions.  But with microcurrent electrical therapy, they will be helped with so much more.   But it is easy to understand why so many people would get caught up in believing that a simple pill can help them get over experiencing anxiety and experiencing depression.

People should understand that the relief offered by a tiny pill is temporary and there is never any real way to know the other effects these pill may cause.   Everybody is different, and some people will experience mood disorder problems which will make their current conditions seem rather light in nature.  People should definitely consider microcurrent electrical therapy as a serious option if they are serious about getting long-term relief.  Relying on prescription drugs is a surefire way to becoming more depressed and confused.

I am Dan Kirsch and my website, www.Alpha-Stim.com has available information for people to learn how they can break away from prescription drugs through <a href='http://www.alpha-stim.com/veterinary/default.html'>microcurrent technology</a>.  It is not wise to depend on prescription medications as they usually cause mood disorder problems.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Alpha Stim Treatment Offers Help In Relieving Many Problems

The bad state of the economy caused most of the people's depression, making a lot of them lose their jobs.  People begin to have problems experiencing anxiety and depression when this happens.  With the many problems people are dealing with right now, I feel that treatments like microcurrent therapy can relieve them from these problems.  I have also found that in this country there are more people than ever suffering than there was in years past.  In 2003 US doctors prescribed 213 million prescriptions for antidepressants.  Microcurrent electrical technology is offered on my website, Alpha-Stim.com and could have helped these people more effectively.

One important fact I know about people who suffer from depression in this country and related conditions that come along with it like mood disorder is that many people who are prescribed antidepressants stop taking them because the side effects are too debilitating.  Compared to traditional prescription medications, there is no need to worry about debilitating side effects with it comes to microcurrent therapy.  Since the person's immune system will be stimulated by means of Alpha stim therapies, it can also help out on other conditions.

In addition, I've learned that two thirds of people who are depressed never sought or received treatment and so suffer needlessly, which is a scarier fact about people who are experiencing depression and anxiety.  And about 50% of people with chronic depression who do receive treatment do not get sufficient help.  I feel that this is not right but if they were to drop by my site, Alpha-Stim.com and know more about microcurrent electrical therapy, most of these people could have had their depression and anxiety problems helped out a great deal.   Compared to relying on medications prescribed by doctors, these treatments are very easy to carry out and there are far more effective.

There was one study done in the Journal of the American medical Association June 18, 2003 that found in even more disturbing result.  From people who sought help for depression, only 22% of them received adequate treatment.  Most of these people were recommended with antidepressant drugs that have resulted to other conditions such as mood disorder and joint pains.  Though it is somewhat experimental, microcurrent therapy is far more practical than any of these treatments can ever hope to be.  On my website people can learn all about microcurrent therapy and why it is such a better alternative then antidepressants for conditions like mood disorder and depression.

Some of the statistics I've mentioned here are very disturbing to say the least but I honestly feel that anyone who is suffering from depression or experiencing anxiety would benefit greatly by not relying on traditional medications.  Microcurrent electrical therapy is infinitely more effective than any one of these treatments can ever hope to be.  There will be no regrets to anyone for deciding to use them, which I am confident that they will keep using the treatment longer than they would have remained on antidepressants. 

I am Dan Kirsch and my website, www.Alpha-Stim.com can help people start getting relief from conditions like anxiety and depression through <a href='http://www.alpha-stim.com/insomnia_case_report.html'>alpha stim technology</a>.  To solve depression or anxiety problems, I am confident that people will see this treatment through.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stressed out? www.Alpha-Stim.com has different microcurrent therapy devices to treat and control stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Microcurrent Therapy Offers Relief To a lot Of People In This Country Who Suffer From Depression

There are a lot of people in the United States that could benefit from treatments such as micro-current therapy.  If people are suffering from any conditions such as mood disorder, feelings of stress, depression, insomnia along with headaches, microcurrent therapy provides help.   Alpha stim treatments also provide help to those people who are experiencing anxiety or who are unable to sleep.  On my website, Alpha-Stim.com,  microcurrent therapy, and microcurrent electrical therapy are services that I offer.  By utilizing the services offered on my website, anyone who is suffering from any of the conditions I just mentioned will surely gain benefits.

I've looked into a lot of different research in order to see to what extent microcurrent therapy can help people in this country.  The statistics revolving around depression is one of the shocking revelation I had.  The effects of depression can be crushing to people whenever these conditions occur.  In a given year, more than 19 million Americans are affected by depression.  There are 10% of young people who are depressed as well.  I find this to be a very overwhelming number and hope that these people will take advantage the benefits of microcurrent technology as one of their options.

I've also discovered that major depression is the leading cause for disability in the United States.  This can be for any number of reasons and people usually have a decreased sense of awareness when they are focused on whatever the source of their depression is.  Being depressed also lowers the body’s defense systems and makes them more prone to a number of symptoms.  Insomnia, joint pain,back pain, and sleeping problems are included in these symptoms.  If the person chose to suffer in silence despite the available treatment options, all of these will have a long-term effect on him

When it comes to the condition the economy is currently in, microcurrent therapy and alpha stim therapy can also help.    Depression costs an estimated $40 billion in lost production, medical cause, and loss of life each year.  I can only imagine how much better the economy would be if people had access to microcurrent therapy.

Even though I know it is something that is relative new and people has reserves about trying anything new, it would be a definite benefit for them to at least look into it.  And on my website Alpha-Stim.com I make doing that very simple, this way people can have an idea of what to expect before they decide to go through with any treatment.

I am Dan Kirsch and my website, www.Alpha-Stim.com provides freedom from problems like anxiety, depression,and insomnia.  I also feel that people can alleviate many of these problems and decide to utilize <a href='http://www.alpha-stim.com/insomnia_research.html'>microcurrent therapy</a> for themselves.